Legacy Giving

Why Legacy Giving

Thank you for considering such a thoughtful gift. Including Brooksong Retreat & Cancer Support Centre (formerly known as Abbey Retreat Centre) in your long-term financial or estate planning is an important decision. It’s about harnessing your passion to make a lasting and transformational impact in the lives of those living with cancer. Making a legacy gift may be one of the easiest and most fulfilling gifts you will ever make.

Legacy gifts are as unique as the people whose generosity and creativity inspire them to give. Every legacy gift, large or small, is put to work transforming the lives of those living with cancer. Whether you want to give a boost to a particular cancer support program, support general operations for years to come, or fund a new initiative, legacy gifts provide meaningful support to Brooksong while also helping you achieve your own personal goals.

You may be surprised how big an impact you can make. Brooksong offers a range of giving strategies that allow you to unleash your “inner philanthropist” while at the same time maximizing tax advantages and financial flexibility.

Legacy giving to Brooksong Retreat & Cancer Support Centre can be tailored to your own unique financial circumstances. Your advisor, lawyer, or tax planner can help you find the way that works best for you and your family.

Naming Brooksong Retreat & Cancer Support Centre as a beneficiary of your will can, when properly planned, reduce the rate at which your estate is taxed. You may make a charitable bequest of a specific dollar amount, or a percentage of your estate, or the remainder of your estate after planning to care for your family and friends. Alternatively, you might prefer to give a particular asset.

Examples Wordings:

  • “I give to Brooksong Retreat & Cancer Support Centre the sum of $XX,XXX to be used for general purposes as determined by its Board of Directors.”
  • “I give to Brooksong Retreat & Cancer Support Centre 50% of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate to be used for general purposes as determined by its Board of Directors.”
  • “I give to Brooksong Retreat & Cancer Support Centre my shares of XYZ stock.”

You can indicate a specific purpose for your request and may also specify whether it be made available for immediate use or held permanently as an endowment. Your estate will be entitled to a donation receipt for the full value of the bequest, which can have a significant impact on your final income tax return.

By donating Stocks or Mutual Funds, you pay no tax on the capital gains and receive a tax receipt for the fair market value of the securities.

Gifts of securities are a tax-effective opportunity to transform an asset into immediate and significant support for Brooksong Retreat & Cancer Support Centre. You can help us deliver programming and support to people living with cancer now and into the future.

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A gift of life insurance can make a significant future impact at a very modest cost to you today. There are several ways you can use life insurance as a vehicle for contributing to Brooksong Retreat & Cancer Support Centre. 

You may give the death benefit of a life insurance policy simply by naming the Brooksong Retreat & Cancer Support Centre as the beneficiary.

If you make Brooksong Retreat & Cancer Support Centre the owner and beneficiary of a new or existing policy, you will be entitled to a donation receipt for the cash value of the policy (if any) and for each premium paid. At your death, the proceeds received by Brooksong Retreat & Cancer Support Centre will far exceed the total value of your premiums paid.

In each instance, your estate will receive a donation receipt for the full value of the policy proceeds paid to Brooksong Retreat & Cancer Support Centre at your death.

An outright gift is a contribution of cash, securities, real estate, or tangible property in which the donor retains no interest and can be used immediately by Brooksong Retreat & Cancer Support Centre.

A gift of real estate can be an effective way to make a significant gift to Brooksong Retreat & Cancer Support Centre without touching your capital or income. Almost any marketable real estate is suitable and may entitle you to an income tax deduction for the property’s full appraised fair market value.

Brooksong Retreat & Cancer Support Centre appreciates all contributions received from interested donors and offers recognition benefits and privileges appropriate to each gift.

For more information, please contact: 

Barb Smith-Morrison, Executive Director: [email protected] 

Max Ward, Treasurer: [email protected] 

Charitable Registration Number: 751116120 RR0001

The information on this site does not constitute legal or financial advice and should not be relied upon as such. Brooksong Retreat & Cancer Support Centre encourages you to seek professional legal, estate planning, and financial advice prior to deciding upon a specific course of action.

To learn more about Planned Giving from several independent sources, please explore the following sites. Alternatively, ask your financial institution or your financial advisor for help to enable you to leave your legacy:


A generous donor has pledged to match all donations, dollar-for-dollar, up to $25,000 until Dec. 31, 2024. This gift is being offered to Brooksong with deep gratitude and in recognition of the donor’s sister and her cancer journey.

Your donation is DOUBLED for the month December!

All donations up to a total $25,000 will be matched by a generous donor!